Alexander Schmemann


A Manual of Eastern Orthodox Prayers

出版年份: 2019

The Liturgy of Death

Four Previously Unpublished Talks

出版年份: 2016

O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?

出版年份: 2003

The Historical Road of Eastern Orthodoxy

出版年份: 2003

Our Father

出版年份: 2002

The Journals of Father Alexander Schmemann, 1973-1983

出版年份: 2000

Of Water & The Spirit

A Liturgical Study of Baptism

出版年份: 2000

The Journals of Father Alexander Schmemann, 1973-1983

出版年份: 2000

The Virgin Mary

Celebration of Faith, vol. III

出版年份: 1995

The Church Year

Celebration of Faith , Sermons, Vol 2

出版年份: 1994

I Believe...

Celebration of Faith, Volume 1

出版年份: 1991

Celebration of Faith vol. 1

I Believe

出版年份: 1991

The Eucharist

Sacrament of the Kingdom

出版年份: 1987

Introduction to Liturgical Theology

出版年份: 1986

Liturgy and Life

Christian Development Through Liturgical Experience

出版年份: 1974



by N. T. Wright, 張碧嘉, 賴特

Category: B

與基督同行的禮儀靈旅: 學習肖似基督...

與基督同行的禮儀靈旅: 學習肖似基督...

by Michael Perham, 李小釧

Category: C



by Robert E. Webber, 羅拔·韋柏

Category: E

樂聲載道: 當代敬拜讚美歌詞評析

樂聲載道: 當代敬拜讚美歌詞評析

by Brian D. Walrath, Robert H. Woods Jr., 何頌甡

Category: D



by Vinny Flynn, 徐明慧

Category: B